Friday, January 8, 2010

Chicken Hawk

In my house, we have chickens that lay eggs for us. They lay about 3 to 7 eggs a day. They have a decent amount of space in their coop. KFC and McDonald's Chickens probably have an inch of movement on either side of them (unconfirmed). They exist to lay eggs.

Makes me think about KFC and McDonald's itself. Sometimes, I find myself going through the drive through and I can't help but think about the similarity between me and those chickens. I line up with everyone else. Sort of like an assembly line of consumers. $1 Double Cheeseburger: I'll take it. $1 Chicken Sandwich: I'll take it. Two Tacos for 99 cents: I'll take 'em. I'm a sucker for 99 cent tacos, by the way.

I'm not against fast food. I just have to take reality in. I'm a chicken-hawk, standing in line for a chicken. No more lookin' required.