Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pitch Black Stall

I walked into a bathroom at the community college and sat down. The stall was quite relaxing and I guess this is why they call it the restroom in the first place. This is one of the few places many of us relax in our fast paced lives.

I’m minding my own business and playing Tetris on the cell phone. I hear a man exiting. All of the sudden, he turns the lights off. He probably didn’t know I was in the stall. Anyway, the room went pitch black and it was silent.

I turned off Tetris because the soft glow of the cell phone was a little weird in the dark. I’m sitting there thinking to myself, This is really strange. But, what am I supposed to do? I can’t get up and turn the light on.

No one came in the bathroom for five minutes. I was trying to take care of matters, but it's surprisingly difficult to know where things are in the dark. A slower process.

Try sitting in a public restroom for five minutes in pitch-black silence, without erupting in laughter at some point. The dark silence dragging on and on is like a British comedy without words--more and more ridiculous.

It was pitch black. Lights out.